Our OneScreen short-listed film asks the resounding question of being human in a world that needs its occupants to adapt.
The town of Cordova, Alaska produces a ballet to celebrate the annual shorebird migration every May.
The Annual Copper River Delta Shorebird festival means millions of birds coming to the shores of Prince William Sound. Our team made the journey to witness millions of plovers, yellowlegs, tattlers, sandpipers, and snipes come to the intertidal mudflats.
Watercolor artist Taylor Richmond found beauty in numbers. Here, she tells the story of how many salmon actually live to return to the nascent stream. Produced by Torsten Kjellstrand and Mark Blaine. Shot by Will Saunders.
A cultural and economic indicator, salmon become the focus of most stories of the Alaskan experience. We explored habitat, scientific inquiry, and the beauty of a fish in water.
Haliaeetus leucocephalus lives near large bodies and old growth forests, which makes the Cordova and Chugach Mountains area the perfect habitat.